Indications (95)(?)
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Sepsis in the intensive care unit
Kawasaki disease including COVID-19 Kawasaki like syndrome (updated 2022)
Toxic epidermal necrolysis (updated 2022)
Alloimmunne fetal or neonatal haemochromatosis (updated 2022)
Transplantation (solid organ) antibody incompatible transplant - short term use (updated 2022)
Transplantation (solid organ) antibody mediated rejection (updated 2022)
Viral pneumonitis post transplantation (solid organ or HSCT) (updated 2022)
Prevention of autoimmune congenital heart block (anti-Ro or anti-La) (updated 2022)
Autoimmune uveitis - short term use (updated 2022)
Immunobullous diseases - long term use (updated 2022)